Quality Assurance
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) recommends that everybody should be eating oil-rich fish, such as salmon, more often to benefit from its long chain Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA.
Former FSA Chairman, Sir John Krebs, said “Eating oil-rich fish is a simple way for people to reduce the risks of heart disease, but most people don’t eat any”. Eating just one portion of oil-rich fish a week has clear-cut health benefits”.

The FSA advice shows that the following subgroups can eat the following amounts of oil-rich fish, such as salmon, to gain maximum health benefits:
~ Men, boys and women past child-bearing age can eat up to four portions a week;
~ Women not intending to have children can eat up to four portions a week
~ Girls and women who may become pregnant at some point in their lives can eat up to two portions a week, and;
~ Pregnant and breast-feeding women can eat up to two portions a week.
~ A vital ingredient of a healthy diet, salmon provides vitamins, minerals and proteins with low levels of saturated fat.
Our Company endeavors to source its fish from sustainable well-managed fisheries and responsibly farmed aquaculture operations. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure our seafood is traceable back to source whether wild caught or farmed.
In the case of wild-caught fish from New Zealand our supplier is accredited with Friends of the Sea, our Scottish smoked salmon is accredited with the Freedom Food and our Organic salmon is accredited by the UK Soil Association.