66th YWCA Diplomatic Charity Bazaar

66th YWCA Diplomatic Charity Bazaar
A unique event in Bangkok's busy social diary, this annual bazaar was again organised by spouses of the Ambassadors of Thailand and the Bangkok YWCA. Continuing at the forefront of everything fabulously foodie in the city, Thammachart Seafood had the opportunity to show why we are the leading provider of world-class Seafood in Thailand.
On the 15th – 17th November we opened at Central World along with over 44 other stalls from countries around the globe, a 3-day international bazaar of culinary delight came to life! The very sensible were out doing Christmas shopping early, and you couldn't fail to pick up something for everyone; a gift fest at every turn! Making sure our team were running smoothly, Yeeran and I sneaked off to see what else was on offer. No guilt in spend-spend here as much of the proceeds from sales were going to support 40-plus charity projects covering social work, school-infrastructure development, and disaster-victim assistance.
Our Norwegian Salmon was a resounding hit, with tourists from Norway intrigued that their very own native fish was on sale here in Thailand! "It must have flown here!" said one lady with a giggle. "Well, yes actually!" I replied under my breath, with a reserved smile! Thammachart Seafood sources the famed Aurora Salmon from Norway. It's prized on the sushi and sashimi markets; a vibrant, deep orange colour with rainbow stripes, a handsome fish if ever there was! With firm flesh high in omega 3, antioxidants, vitamins and proteins, it's full of fresh ocean goodness and highly beneficial as part of a healthy diet. Thammachart Seafood was once again in the top flight, Norwegian Salmon, Smoked or Cured leaping into bags around us as shoppers browsed the fresh, colourful, intricate Sushi and Sashimi sets as though considering a Matisse!
Oh, the feast was endless: Tea and coffee from Kenya and India, Armenian wine and brandy, date syrup and dried nuts from Israel, Manuka honey and cereals from New Zealand; our lives flashed before us! Many of Bangkok’s finest shops and hotels joined in the pageant displaying culinary art, one could argue just too good to eat!
Ambassadors were swarming, the United Nations had come to Central World, and we were proud to be Ambassadors for Thammachart Seafood, networking on land as well as our fishermen do at sea, day and night around the world. Everyone was a winner that fabulous weekend, suppliers, customers and charities benefiting from what will be remembered throughout the year in anticipation of, “how can it get better?” which of course it does, every year. A warm and hearty thanks from Yeeran and I at Thammachart Seafood to all who visited over the three exciting days and now have very few Christmas presents left to buy. Also, a very big thankyou to the organisers and of course, our own fantastic, dedicated team who, as always, put on such a splendid show.